A toxin is simply a poison that can affect the body by internal or external means. A toxin can be a chemical, which occurs naturally or in synthetic form. More than 120,000 human-made chemicals have been introduced into the environment, in one form or another, and this number continues to grow each year at a phenomenal rate. At the same time, microbial toxins, being influenced by the vast numbers of chemicals, are mutating beyond belief. Each category of microbes produces species that generates toxins in host cells. Evidence is proving a definitive link between the accumulation of toxins in body tissues and the development of chronic diseases. External toxins, either chemical or microbial, enter the body through food, water, air, or physical contact with the skin or mucous membranes. Internal toxins, as the free radicals, are produced inside the body through normal metabolic processes or through the decomposition of foods in the small and large intestines. Bacterial toxins and yeast overgrowth can also form in cases of chronic constipation. Under normal circumstances, the body is able to eliminate toxins from the body via urine, feces, exhalation, and perspiration. Thus, the major organs involved in elimination are the kidneys, liver, colon, lungs, and skin. In addition, WBCs (white blood cells) of the immune system are designed to neutralize microbial toxins. The liver is the organ primarily responsible for breaking toxins into harmless byproducts, which are eliminated into the stool or through the kidneys into the urine.
The process of elimination can be hampered for one reason or another. When a particular toxin overwhelms the normal excretion mechanisms, the body produces inflammation in the area of the toxin trying to rid itself of the problem. These inflammatory areas signal the start of a disease. They are actually signals the body is sending, stating that it cannot rid itself of accumulating toxins. If the toxins remain, the body then moves into the next stage, where they are deposited in areas where they will do the least harm. These areas are usually fat cells, cysts, polyps or tumors. After years of storage, the toxins move into body cells and tissues. They ultimately produce such degenerative diseases as cancer, diabetes, arthritis, and heart disease.
For all of the conveniences and advances that we have grown so accustomed to comes a slew of environmental toxins -- chemicals and other materials largely from industry and carelessness -- that have very much saturated our water, our food and the very air we breathe.
Many of these toxins are things that you can't see, smell or feel, at least not right away. One of the major problems with them is just that. We don't realize that we're being affected until we come down with a chronic disease after years of subtle and often consistent exposure to a combination of these toxins.
This makes it almost impossible to pinpoint a specific environmental toxin as the source of illness, yet when you look at the facts -- the increasing numbers of cancers, immune system disorders, neurological problems, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple chemical sensitivities, allergies and hormonal disturbances that are facing the nation -- it is hard NOT to take notice. Consider these statistics:
- Some 77,000 chemicals are produced in North America
- Over 3,000 chemicals are added to our food supply
- More than 10,000 chemical solvents, emulsifiers and preservatives are used in food processing
- 1,000 new chemicals are introduced each year
Where do all of these chemicals end up? They are absorbed into our groundwater, rivers, lakes and oceans, spewed into our air, and added, quite intentionally, to our food supply.
The Effects of Toxins on Your Body
A study in last year's British Medical Journal estimated that perhaps 75 percent of most cancers are caused by environmental and lifestyle factors, including exposure to chemicals. Another report, this one by the Columbia University School of Public Health, estimated that 95 percent of cancer is caused by diet and environmental toxicity.
This is really not surprising when you consider that estimates show most Americans have somewhere between 400 and 800 chemicals stored in their bodies, typically in fat cells. Some of the short- and long-term effects of these toxins include:
Neurological disorders (Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, depression, attention deficit disorder, schizophrenia, etc.) Cancer Nutritional deficiencies Hormonal imbalances
Enzyme dysfunction Altered metabolism Reproductive disorders Fatigue Headaches Obesity
Muscle and vision problems Immune system depression Allergies/Asthma Endocrine disorders Chronic viral infections Less ability to tolerate/handle stress
Benefits: |
•Promotes the healthy cleansing of metabolic waste.
•Supports intestinal regularity.
•May improve energy and well-being.
Tiao He Cleanse®, Chinese [Intestinal] is a 15-day nutritional program designed to help the body achieve tiao he—balance and harmony. It combines Chinese nutritional and Western herbal experience. The Tiao He Cleanse is designed to support the cleansing mechanisms of the body by targeting the intestinal and digestive systems.